Are you gunna run tell yo' mommy too?
Monday morning the maintenance guy goes to asses the situation. He opens up part of her bathroom ceiling to get a look. We then call and arrange for our plumber to come out on Tuesday to fix the problem stemming from the apartment above. We notify both tenants of the proceedings.
Tuesday morning the plumber fixes most of the problem but needs a few parts.
Wednesday the plumbing is finished and the hole in the ceiling is patched.
This is really boring, is there a point to this?
Yes, I'm getting there. Then, in Wednesday's mail is a letter from the Health Department. It is from the tenant that originally had the leak in her ceiling. Apparently she reported that she had mold on her ceiling. WTF? Sunday was the first I heard of it. We couldn't have rendered the problem any quicker than we did. I look to see what the date was that she called it in: the previous Wednesday. That was five days before she called me.
Now this seemed shitty and confusing, until I thought back to what also happened on that Wednesday. That was the day that I scolded her for all the noise and disruption complaints I had been getting in regard to her apartment. I had also handed her a letter threatening her with eviction if things didn't change.
So, what does this mean? It means that I can almost picture her going, "Oh yeah, well I'll show you."
By the way, did I mention that this is The Pot Head Tenant from a few posts back? Why yes, yes it is. Now, I've not smelled a thing or heard a peep since she got my letter, but the damage has been done. We may be beyond eviction and into missing person territory. You didn't hear that here.