Thursday, January 25, 2007

Time to Dish

Wow, has it really been that long since I last posted? I am far from being a daily poster, but this gap is even big for me. Well, I suppose I'll let the cat out of the bag and fill you in on what has been going on with me lately. First off, my bonus this year came less than two weeks before Christmas: being laid off. And since two of the companies I worked for are owned by the same person, it was like loosing two jobs at the same time. For the past few years he had been making some poor business decisions and ignoring the advice of those around him. So, it ended up that he could no longer afford to pay my salary. And since I was basically just an extension of him, I was the expendable one. Merry Christmas, no more job for me. OK, I still have my real estate dealings and what-not, but these other positions were my steady income. They were what let me breath easy and pay bills. Besides, I'm someone who is used to being quite busy, so this was a big hit in the grand scheme of things.

Combine this with the fact that my lovely wife is fighting with her own personal demons, our good friend was going to suddenly be moving seven hours away, and there was some drama with the foreign exchange student living with us. All of the above then added up to relationship struggles. Good times, good times.

But it seems that even clouds filled with poo have silver linings. While I have not yet found a proper replacement, I know that I will in time. The upside is that now that I am away from there I realize just how unhappy I was. Sure, I've known it sucked for some time, but I didn't realize how much it was affecting my life. I wouldn't say that I was depressed, or maybe that is as depressed as I get. From the outside I seemed fine, but the few people who really know me could tell something was gradually different. My motivation was way down because the damn place was sucking my energy. When I came home I didn't feel like doing any projects, I didn't feel like working out, I didn't even want to talk about my day. I was so unhappy all day that all my energy was used up.

Now I am feeling like the old me again. I am finally tackling a huge project at the house and I can't wait to get back to it. I want so badly to finish it so that I can move on to the next one. I am excercising faithfully again and feeling great. The longer I am away from that place the better I feel. I pledge to never let a job make me feel like that again. Even though I am thick skinned and can put up with a lot, I am going to be aware of when enough is enough.

Plus, things have smoothed out with our exchange student and our friend decided not to move away. And while the battle between light and dark rages on, there is strength even when all seems lost.

So as I said in my last post (if you can remember back that far) life can bring it on. Now that my energy is back there's nothing I can't accomplish. Plus, I'll try not to stay away so long again, I know you missed me.


Blogger Stephanie said...

...And we are all glad you're back! That was a kick in the balls, no doubt about it. But I know that you will find a position where you will be able to use your full potential and will have halfway-pleasant coworkers. And there's nothing like being away from a shitty job to make you realize how much you were putting up with, that you shouldn't have. Sometimes other people won't understand the lines that you then draw for yourself as a result of those experiences, but I get that.

PS - The battle raging between light and darkness that you mentioned is also known as "adulthood." And it suuuuucks, from what I've seen so far.

11:38 PM, January 25, 2007  
Blogger Marie-Hélène Raletz said...

I missed you, I kept checking your blog every day, hoping :)
It certainly seems you went through hard times, but the sun is still shining.

"The gods in bounty work up storms about us, that give mankind occasion to exert their hidden strength, and throw out into practice virtues that shun the day, and lie concealed in the smooth seasons and the calms of life."

- Joseph Addison

PS: I love this last pic of the kitty in the line of milk bottles :)

1:30 AM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger M said...

ohhh, so glad you're back to the land of writing. I missed reading you! In terms of income I'm so sorry to hear about the job - but it sounds like it came good in the end. Yes every down has its up.

5:43 AM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger RAY O'SUNSHINE said...

Welcome back!! You da bomb!!

6:54 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aml, I'll kick darkness in the nuts for you. I'm glad that you are feeling better.

8:13 AM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger Evil Spock said...

Good to have you back sir. The Few is with you against the forces of darkness.

11:23 AM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger JLee said...

wow, you've had quite a time there AML. Glad you're feeling yourself again. :)

4:24 PM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger JLee said...

I didn't realize RR was your bride and she is indeed quite lovely! You done good, as we say here in TX. ;)

4:27 PM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

doc: I wish the same for you.

le nightowl: Oh yeah the sun is shining. In fact, the future is so bright I gotta wear shades.

m: And sometimes the down helps you appreciate the up.

iheart: Thank you, yes I am.

jahowie: I appreciate that. In fact you come back in town and we'll kick it together.

evil spock: Rage against the darkness of the light.

jlee: I agree, I think I did good too.

11:49 PM, January 26, 2007  
Blogger cmeddie said...

Yea a post... and shitty jobs suck. I know that draining feeling, so I am glad you are on refill. SO AM I! :)

Have a great weekend and good luck!!!!

See you all soon?

9:48 AM, January 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No doubt that jobs can suck the life out of you; it bites that you got laid off, but I'm so happy that life is looking up for you in every other way.

And you were, indeed, missed.

10:50 AM, January 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what tense said.

2:50 PM, January 27, 2007  
Blogger Spacecake said...

awwwwwwwwwww kitties! I love kitties, cute little kitties! ..oookay I'm done with the kitties.

I noticed you had a long break from posting, too. But it wasn't worrying, I knew you'd post sooner or later.

7:34 PM, January 27, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

cmeddie: Mmmm, refills are delicious.

tt: Thanks, it is looking up; up, up and away.

geek: And thank you.

spacecake: The kitties were just for you. OK, well not originally, but since you like them so much they are now.

11:27 AM, January 28, 2007  
Blogger SRR said...

Yes....personal demons FUCKING SUCK ASS!! And poor you...having to deal with mine on top of wonder you are a fucking saint. (should those 2 words have been in the same sentence together?)

5:38 PM, January 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aml, I will look forward to that!! You are a good guy, don't let this shitty world get you down.

9:15 AM, January 29, 2007  
Blogger Dan-O said...

I figured as much...which is why I never talked about how you were feeling. I figured you say how you were feeling in due time. No time like at Hooters to have an emotional male meltdown, eh?

9:14 PM, January 29, 2007  
Blogger Me Myself and I said...

Great post! I'm so glad you've found your energy again. Its a wonderful feeling, isn't it? And besides, you're a smart guy...the right gig will come along when you least expect it. A job that makes you feel GOOD instead of dragging you down.

10:01 PM, January 29, 2007  
Blogger Wendy said...

I did miss you. Sounds like you had a crappy holiday season too. Yuck.

I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

6:28 PM, January 30, 2007  
Blogger cmeddie said...

TAG. you're it.

12:28 AM, January 31, 2007  
Blogger geewits said...

Your comment about the ducks on Le Nightowl's blog was hilarious! I hope things start to look up for you and you keep posting!

2:55 AM, January 31, 2007  
Blogger mouse said...

AML! sorry about the shitty job situation, but it seems like you're taking everything in stride. "they" all say that everything happens for a reason, and it looks like you've already found a great big giant one, so i'm glad that things seem to be looking up for you.

take care of yourself and that cute little bunny of yours...

7:47 PM, January 31, 2007  
Blogger LindzyPinzy said...

good to hear, not the shitty stuff thrown at you, but the way it is turning out for you.. it seems we have to go through the poo to get to those sliver linings hey? everything happens for a reason

glad you are feeling yourself again:)

9:16 PM, February 01, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

rr: Yes, be carefull for my halo can be blinding.

jahowie: Try as it might, it shall not get me with a TKO.

dan-o: Mmmm, Hooters and hooters.

photogirl: Even though being the smartest man alive can be a large burden, I think it will reveal some opportunities :)

wendy: Baby steps, but ever forward.

cmeddie: grrr

geewits: If you appreciate my sense of humor be afraid, be very afraid ;)

mouse: How did you know about my big giant one?

lindzyp: Me too.

9:58 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


%*&$# caps lock!!!

11:46 PM, February 04, 2007  
Blogger Deb said...

Hey! Wanted to stop by and say hello! Sorry you went through all that turmoil, but things seem to be looking up. Sometimes it's hard to blog when there's so much on our plates.

Hope things continue to look up for you and your wife! Now to take a peek at your wife's blog! I didn't know she had one. I can harass her now! :)

11:35 AM, February 08, 2007  
Blogger Baba Ganoush said...

Glad things worked out AML. Can't wait for the made for TV movie.

It's amazing how we can get wrapped up in crappy jobs and not realize what they're doing to us until we leave them.

Kind of like college girlfriends, chicken wings, and the state of Wisconsin for me.

9:00 PM, February 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope all is well, been looking for you.

11:08 PM, February 10, 2007  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Dear AML,

Where are you?

Yours truly,
The Fake Doctor

10:54 PM, February 11, 2007  
Blogger Wendy said...

where are you? Well I hope

1:10 PM, February 13, 2007  
Blogger LindzyPinzy said...

hope u r doing well, Im worried you're never away!

4:06 PM, February 13, 2007  
Blogger Me Myself and I said...

Hey AML, where are ya? We miss you in blogland!


The Photogirl formerly known as Celeste

12:56 AM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alright, I've been giving you some space, but now I'm worried... Where are you?! You're very much missed!

8:12 PM, February 18, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

squid: Thanks man

~deb: Oh yes, she likes visitors.

baba: It will be made once I figure out who will play me.

everybody: Here I am.

1:23 AM, February 19, 2007  

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