Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Some Like It Hot

While my lovely wife has been urging me to post pics of the movie room construction process, I am trying to hold off for the finished product so as to give you the full beginning-to-end view. This is the second time I have created a movie room, but in our old house I just built it to fit the room. This time around I have more space to play with and have decided to do it up right. Therefore, the whole process is a bit more extensive and takes a while to complete. So, be patient and I'll get some pictures up soon.

On to a completely different subject, there has been something that has been bothering me for a while. During this time of Lent, Fridays bring about a search for fish. While I have pretty strong feelings about man's rules pertaining to God and organised religion in general, the Lenten season is one I choose to participate in. For me, it is less about doing what the church tells me so that I don't go to hell (I think the church has shown they are a little lost in this arena themselves) and more about me joining the self-sacrifice, however small. It serves as a little reminder to myself that there are bigger things at play than just my little world.

But I digress. It is not my intent to bore you with my philosophies or sway you with my personal practices. My beef here is more of the truth in advertising nature. On a recent Friday, my daily running around brought me to an Arby's. Now, most fast food places cater to the Catholic crowd this time of year and offer some sort of fish special. Arby's is no exception. They have a two fish sandwiches for $4 deal. They even claim you can get the sandwiches with "spicy Cajun sauce." This second part is what drew me in, and here-in lies the problem.

Now, I have been known to enjoy spicy food on occasion. I'm not talking about needing the spices to burn my mouth. I just like certain foods to have an extra flavor kick and I'm not afraid to "kick it up a notch" in that pursuit. While I will not claim Squid's expertise in the hot sauce realm, let's just say I have to be conscious of whether or not I'm cooking for someone other than just me. So, as a spicy fan, I am drawn to new things which claim this title. Likewise, I am disappointed when they don't live up to this claim. Let me just say that Arby's spicy Cajun sauce is anything but spicy or Cajun. In fact, I can picture many a Cajun rolling over in their bayous at being associated with that sauce.

I'm not picking on just Arby's here; this has happened more times than I can count at various restaurants, fast food or otherwise. And I'm not stooopid, I realize that sometimes these places try and appeal to a broader audience and therefore cozy up to what is safe. But, it has been my experience that most people who do not favor spicy food will not go anywhere near a dish with the words Cajun, spicy, hot, blackened, or the like. The people who do like this kind of thing are the ones who venture over. And as long as you have our attention, you might as well do it right. That's all I'm sayin' really.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...Arby's really let you down. :-) I can't wait to see the finished room. I heard that you were about killing yourself while hanging the drywall.

9:40 AM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger JLee said...

I know what you mean...we tried the "spicy" buffalo wings at Applebee's one time. Yeah, spicy enough for grandma.

11:26 AM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Evil Spock said...

On a tangent, why does the Simpsons constantly rip on Arby's? I think it's hilarious, especially since I don't eat there.

I remember when Sheri and Teri were shipwrecked with various other Springfield children, and one of them said, "I'm hungry enough to eat at Arby's!" I'm like, wtf?!?

4:22 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Dan-O said...

I'm feelin' ya man. I think ALL fast food places need to follow in the footsteps of our collective favorite, Taco Bell, who supply's the Fire Sauce upon request only. Stock something with some punch, just give it to the people who want a little toungue stimulation.

6:57 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Wendy said...

I do have to admit I like the Filet O' Fish at MickeyD's. I know, don't grimace, but I do like them.

I used to work at Arby's, their specialty is beef, not fish fer sher...sauce or no sauce.

Glad to see a new post, I worry about you. ;)

7:57 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

jahowie: Ah yes, hanging drywall on the ceiling by yourself ain't no walk in the park.

jlee: I don't know, my grandma is one saucy lady.

evil spock: I've never picked up on that. One of the writers must have a vendeta.

dan-o: Yes, TB's fire sauce is just right. More flavor than burn so as not to take away from the goodness.

wendy: A fun fact... did you know that it was a guy in Cincinnati (who owned most of the McDonalds in Cincy at the time) that invented the fish patty during Lent and introduced it to Ray Kroc? Well, now you do.
Oh, and you should worry about me :)

8:49 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger The Stormin Mormon said...

I'm going to say that Arby's is simply not a place that I would go to for fish in the first place.

That said, I agree that I too get offended by misnomers in promoting food. I've had some hot foods that were lightning in my mouth when I was told they were "mildly spicy," and others that tasted like ketchup instead of hot sauce when I'd been warned about their heat. Every once in a while places will get it right.

Today at lunch we went out for hot wings, and most of the people played it safe (2's and 3's). I ordered 10 - 5's and one 7 (which is the hottest they make). The fives were delightful, and spicy. The seven made me tear up! I was thrilled.

9:57 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger RAY O'SUNSHINE said...

A hug right back atcha brother for your less than stellar Arby's experience.

Good God, why do you guys have to keeping talking about Taco Bell? Everytime I hear those magical words I get a craving for the crunchy goodness of a Nachos Supreme and the gooey goodness of that Bean Burrito. Damn you Dan-O. Damn you.

11:01 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

Does it have a theme?

11:05 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger SRR said...

I would like to point out BUDDY that I was there helping you hang. I WAS/AM your cheerleader!!! Wearing only POM-POM'S!!!!

11:17 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger M said...

you TELL 'EM Landy!

I gave up church for lent..oh wait..

3:04 AM, March 09, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

tsm: Yes, hot wings are generally one food you need not worry about with lack of spice.

ray o': Now see, all we did was talk about sauce. You had to go and start naming foods from the place. I can't crave The Bell today. Something about a fish taco is just not right.

malnutured: I'm not sure which "it" you are referring to, but Arby's theme should be "We're sticking to roast beef."

rr: While that mental image is quite nice, I fear I wouldn't get much work done if that were the case.

m: Mmmhmm, that's right (I was wiggling my head from side to side and wagging my finger while typing).

2:53 PM, March 09, 2007  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Wooo! Once you finish the movie room, I will never move out! You'll have to dump all my crap out on the lawn, and you will still not get rid of me! It looks teh awesome, by the way. I wish I could say I helped but... I provided lots of good mental vibes for you.

12:33 AM, March 10, 2007  
Blogger cmeddie said...

Yea, I would have said SPICY MY ASS!

As a veggie, spices, dressings, etc, are very important!

Write a letter, to them.. not us. ;)

When can I come over and watch a movie???

4:42 PM, March 10, 2007  
Blogger Dan-O said...

Mmmmmmm, Damn you Taco Bell and your tasty goodness

10:28 PM, March 11, 2007  
Blogger geewits said...

Weird coincidence. I just tried Wingstop for the first time today and I tried the cajun wings. I thought they were great. They weren't painful hot, just good and spicy and they had a true cajun flavor. If you have a Wingstop there you should try these.

As someone who is always into the home improvement, I can't wait to see your pictures! Did you take "before" pics also. I always forget to do that.

2:48 AM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

doc: Good vibes are always helpfull.

cmeddie: Soon, very soon.

dan-o: See, now you're going to get ol'toothy upset again.

geewits: No Wingstop around here, but I did remember the before pics. I'll have the before, during, and after series here before long.

11:53 AM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger Spacecake said...

I've never been to Arby's and I propably never will go. You see, as far as I know there are no Arby's in Finland and if I ever happen to be on vacation somewhere where they do have Arby's... yeah I prefer to stick to McDonald's. No one seems to go there anymore.

Well, neither do I really. But at least I'm sticking up for the place! Not entirely sure, prolly just out of habit.

1:54 PM, March 12, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

spacecake: Yeah, don't bother with Arby's. But if you're in the fast food burger mood, Buger King kicks McD's ass any day. Or think outside the bun and go for Taco Bell (damn you Taco Bell).

12:44 PM, March 15, 2007  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

Oops, that was supposed to be Burger King. I don't know what Buger King is, sounds British.

12:46 PM, March 15, 2007  
Blogger Dan-O said...

I will say that Arby's has the best fries, curly fries that is....dipped in Arby's sauce.....Nah, just give me Taco Bell.....Mmmmm Taco Bell.

6:20 PM, March 15, 2007  

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