Monday, November 27, 2006

In this way it's OK to use me

Hey AML, aren't you a Realtor too. How come we never hear any tales about that?

Well, I wouldn't say never. I did tell you about the time I was caught between the old man and his ex-wife. Plus there was the story about the guy who didn't show up at his own closing. But, mainly the reason I don't say much about it is, well… the stories aren't that interesting.

Most of your stories aren't that interesting.

Yeah, yeah, piss off. I guess as long as we're thinking about it, and it's the onslaught of the holiday season and all, let me tell you about real estate as it pertains to family: my family to be specific.

When it comes to friends using me as their Realtor to buy a piece of property, the only excuse for them not to use me is if they have another Realtor in their family. When it comes to family, there is no excuse not to use me. It's not like I'm new to the game; I have many satisfied clients to give me cred. Plus, I am the smartest man alive, so I got that going for me. Keep in mind also that a buyer does not pay a Realtor anything; the buyer's Realtor is paid a part of the selling Realtor's commission. Now, when it comes to selling your house, my view changes a bit. Since it is then that you actually have to pay me, I never just expect friends or family to give me business. I do expect, however, for them to at least talk with me about it. If you don't like what I have to say, or I don't effectively sell my services to you and you decide to use someone else, well then that's on me.

I don't assume that people inherently know this, so I've done my best to educate those in my life to these facts in one way or another. Most of my friends and family understand and I thank them for the business. Although apparently some people just cannot be taught.

Case in point, I have one uncle who is all but dead to me. Now, I don't say this lightly, but this particular fellow really added insult to injury. He is a savvy, intelligent enough guy who runs his own company. If anyone should understand the importance of loyalty in business, it should be him. He started out fine, by slowly looking for a new house. My aunt was really more motivated than he, so I showed them about eight houses over the course of a year or so. Whenever they found one they liked they would call me and we'd go take a look. Then my uncle would think up reasons not to like it and we'd move on. One time we found a place that even he couldn't find something wrong with, so he offered such a low price that the deal just never went together.

Let me now fast forward the events, since they actually took place rather rapidly. First, he suddenly bought a house that was for-sale-by-owner (FSBO) without me. OK, since a Realtor didn't have it for sale it wasn't as bad. But still, normally a FSBO will deal with a buying agent for at least partial commission. Since my uncle didn’t bother to include me, I got paid zero for all the time I spent working with him = strike one. Then, he decides to put his current house for sale by himself. Since he is kind of a tightwad, I didn’t blame him for trying. Going FSBO has a very low success rate, so when he decided to give up I'd take over, right? Wrong, he listed the house with another random Realtor without talking to me = strike two. The final piece-de-resistance was when I found out he then purchased an investment property (which was on the market with a Realtor) without me. Apparently he would rather have a guy he doesn’t know get paid double than have his own nephew get paid at all. He is a very impulsive person and in his warped little head he probably thought he would get a better deal that way somehow. Plus, I'm sure he figured I'd never find out. I'm a Realtor, I can find out anything in regards to property. So I did find out = strike fucking three.
Yoooou're out!

Now, this all happened a little while back. It came to mind recently due to spending Thanksgiving with my family. No, there was no confrontational food fight. That uncle wasn't there, so it would have been pointless. I did, however, find out some news. I have been working with one of my cousins and he just recently had his offer accepted on his first house. Then, during the course of Thanksgiving conversation I hear that another cousin, the brother of the one I'm working with, just bought his first house too. Although, he didn't use me. This guy is two years younger than me. We grew up together. And, even though we don't hang out much, we have a very cordial relationship. Yet, when it comes to one of the most important things he'll do at this stage in his life, he doesn't even call. I don't want it to sound like I'm pissing and moaning. I do just fine with or without my family's business. It's not about the money; it's about principle. I am a very loyal person. If you do right by me I'll stick by you until you give me reason not to. And if you're family, you are first in line no matter what. Unfortunately, not every one thinks this way.


Blogger b o o said...

that last sentence. too true.

3:10 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Wendy said...

I'm sorry people suck, but family? What can you do, assuming you really aren't Joe Pesci. HA

3:39 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger M said...

family can be many a horrid thing. If I was looking for a house in the US - I'd use ya!!!!

4:28 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Well, when I am finally ready to buy a house (like, 30 years from now), I will be your siamese twin, I'll be so all over you. In fact, you will probably wish I didn't know you were a realtor!

9:51 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Deb said...

I just want to point out something on the opposite side ... My sister is a real estate broker, and she advises ALL family not to use her. Family & business and important financial investments do not mix. She helped my other sister get a house with her husband. It caused a huge fight, because my other sister was particular with the house she wanted and basically dragged my sis all over God's creation, to only sell her a house a year later. I know, it shouldn't make a difference, but my sister (the realtor) was PISSED OFF!

There are hidden things untold about houses sometimes that eventually come to the surface. Then the customer blames the reator for not relaying the info---that they didn't even know.

It gets very hairy.

I never....ever....mix my buying ventures or business with family. Can't do it. But, I do see your point, but hopefully, you'll see mine too!

Hope you had a terrific holiday!

1:54 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger SRR said...

Good thing you have a saavy wife who thiks she is fucking Nancy Drew to dig up and find this shit about your family.

And Deb, I must say that I completely disagree because AML is able to completely be neutral and void of being partial to sides. He's able to remove himself from the family bull shit...even my family real estate bull shit. And that demands a fucking spot next Jesus at the peraly gates. :-)

2:54 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger cmeddie said...

I am sorry to hear all that. Family sucks, typically! You'd think they'd be the last to disappoint, but usually they are the first, because you are more vested in them than other people.

You are just more likely to forgive. Guess not this time!

4:49 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger RAY O'SUNSHINE said...

kick ass!!!

7:19 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Me Myself and I said...

yeah, that sucks. definitely something you have to deal with as a realtor though...

8:55 PM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My uncle once told me, "Never forget that family is another source of profit". He is a douche. My brother got his real estate license and I was amongst his first commissions.

11:37 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger JLee said...

"I am the smartest man alive, so I got that going for me." hahahah and modest too!
I agree, family should be there for you, but they generally suck.

11:46 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

boo: Yep, sad, but true.

wendy: I know, the family is supposed to be all about respect. Haven't they seen any movies?

m: Sweet! Make the move and we'll celebrate with wine and movies here!

doc: Today or 30 years from today, I'll be ready when you are.

~deb: You have to do what works for you. That's the cool thing about working for yourself, you can choose how you do business.

rr: Thanks for the props babe.

cmeddie: I am still cordial to him. I can be a good actor when I need to.

iheart: Nah, not my style. I value my grandmother's heart over my own grudges.

celeste: Indeed.

squid: Good man.

jlee: You know what they say, it's hard to be modest when you're this good ;)

10:17 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Dan said...

Plus, I am the smartest man alive, so I got that going for me.

Second smartest.

10:53 AM, November 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can understand why you are upset about this. Weeeeeeeee....;-)

11:22 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger RAY O'SUNSHINE said...

Softie!!! Kick some ass....gramma will be ok! Theyre tough old broads. When youre done, I have an aunt who could use her ass kicked too. No reason, I just really dont like her. Or her kids for that matter. Should I have them pick numbers to see who gets it first?

9:32 PM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

dan: Oh, why, after you of course.

jahowie: Ain't it fun?

geek: Beer and blogging my friend?

iheart: I sense much anger in you my child.

12:29 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Sweet and Salty said...

Hello! I'm new around these parts...

Boy, that sounds familiar. Unfortunately I think we all have tales about just how much doing business with family sucks most of the time.

I'm sort of like your reader "geek" in that I "fix computers" for a living and two things: family will sometimes spend more than they should taking theirs somewhere else or they won't call me for ANYTHING unless/until their computers break.

7:11 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Spacecake said...

All my relatives are dead to me. Sad but true. Actually, just true. Heh.

Life is grand...

9:15 AM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, maybe you can deal with business/family, but maybe they don't want family in their personal financial matters?

My father is a CPA, but I am the only one of his (4) children that use him. The rest don't want someone so close in there business.

9:43 AM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger Dan-O said...

two lessons to live by from the Godfather movies:
1. keep your enemies close, and your friends closer.

2. Never....NEVER take sides outside the family!!!
So, AML, do you still want to go to the game Thurs? So do I still.

8:38 PM, November 29, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

pavel: Glad you found me. I am very conscious of this with my friend who is a computer guy. I don't want him to think I only call to pick his brain.

spacecake: Spoken from someone in the land of hate.

p.moreno: That is a very valid point, I agree completely. I don't want my clients to feel funny discussing their finances with me, no matter who they are. This is why they talk to loan officers without me. All I need to know in regards to money is how much they want to spend.

dan-o: You're such a tease.

1:40 AM, November 30, 2006  
Blogger Jess said...

Some people don't like to mix business (i.e., house buying) with friends or family. Understandable. However, they could have done you the favor of explaining that to you, then you would know why they didn't use you.

6:06 PM, November 30, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

jess: Yeah, just a little curtesy. Is that so much to ask for?

2:20 AM, December 01, 2006  
Blogger Lance Notstrong said...

I really don't understand it when people have family who are "in the know" (ie lawyers, police, brokers, real estate agents) and don't use them. I have a friend that works for Edward Jones and I defer to him constantly!!!

5:37 PM, December 06, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

lance: Me too, well not your friend, but other people in my life. You gotta use your resources.

5:44 PM, December 06, 2006  

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