My water broke

The other day I was greeted by the news that at around 7 am an underground water main had broken just up the street from my apartment complex. Apparently at one point there was water gushing down the street making it look like a giant water slide. Since then the city had turned off the water to the area so they could fix the break.
So, do you know what that meant? That’s right, dozens of phone calls of the “Ummm, my water isn’t working… ummm, why do you have my water off… ummm, what’s wrong with the water?” variety. Evidently most of my tenants don’t watch the news (it was on there) and don’t bother to look out and see the cones and trucks and giant hole with the ladder sticking out of it.
That’s all fine. I don’t mind the phone ringing, even if I have to keep saying the same thing over and over. In fact it gave me the opportunity to harass one tenant who is behind in his rent. My answer to him as to why his water was off was, “Because you haven’t paid your rent. Without it we couldn’t afford to pay the bill and it was turned off.” “Oh, really?” he said sounding ashamed. “No, not really, dumb ass.” OK, I didn’t say dumb ass, but I thought it.
Another tenant came down to the office to see what was going on. After being told, he thought about it for a second and then said, “Does that mean I can’t use the washing machine too?” “Not unless you want to stand there and spit into the machine, but I don’t recommend that,” was my reply.
If any one of you has anything else to say, now's the fucking time!
This particular tenant has been around for a while. For the most part you rarely saw her. She was quiet, polite, and kept to herself. The only strike against her is the ass-clown boyfriend who comes to visit her on occasion. He has a major case of little-itus (defined as a person who tries to compensate for being small in size by being big in attitude) and appears to have doing drugs on his list of favorite activities. Now, unfortunately, I think that lately she has joined him in this past time. All of a sudden she is looking very unkempt and has gotten into arguments with the maintenance staff.
This day I had already spoken to her earlier in the morning about what was going on. Then around 4:30 she came blasting into my office.
“Look, you need to do something about my water. I haven’t had no water and I can’t do nuthin.’ The room in another building has water, but I don’t. It aint right! I need to have water!”
I wasn’t sure what she was talking about with the other building. The most I could gather was that she had gone to one of the utility rooms and turned on a sink. When she saw a trickle of water come out as it bled through the system, she assumed that she was the only one without. The paranoia was kicking in.
“First of all, settle down,” I say in my usual calm tone. “I can’t help you when you’re yelling.”
“Settle down! I don’t got any water!” I’m not sure what the big concern was, it looked as though she hadn’t showered in days.
“I understand that, but as I explained to you earlier, water to the entire area has been turned off. None of us has any water. When I last spoke to Water Works they told me it normally takes them 7 to 8 hours to fix a main brake. That would put their finish time at late afternoon, early evening.”
“So, you saying I can’t have any water? You saying I can’t even have water trucked in or nuthin’? I want you to put in writing that I can’t have no water and you won’t truck any in!”
I didn't even want to know what she thought trucking water in meant. “I’d be happy to put in writing everything I know. I’ll even give you the number to call so that you can hear for yourself. If you’d like you can walk up the street and yell at the people working on the pipe, but I don’t think it will help,” I say, now aggravated, but still calm.
“I don’t need to talk with them, I need their supervisor. I just want you to write down that I can’t have water.”
So, I do. I write a letter, to no-one in particular, spelling out the situation in detail. As I am typing she is sitting in a chair across from my desk. She is rocking back and forth and says to herself, “Oooh, I need to take that kickboxing class so I can get rid of some of this ANGER!”
I finish typing the letter and hand it to her. She reads it and exclaims, “Oh, you wrote it all legal-like! I like that! I like a bully, it turns me on!” She heads out and slams the door on these last words. I’m not sure who she thinks the bully is here. I assume she means me, and I shudder to think I am turning her on in any way.
Perhaps I was inspired by one of Deb's recent posts, but I decided to say a little prayer. "Please God, help this tenant stay away from drugs. If it turns out she can't do this, please give her knee a loud popping sound so I'll hear her comming and know to lock the door. Ahmen."
The moral of the story is this:
1) Don’t get mad at someone who isn’t to blame for your problem, especially if that person is experiencing the same thing.
2) Don’t do drugs, kids.
Lemme get this straight: you GUESS your tenants don't "watch the news"??
Oh, God, that was the funniest thing I've heard all day.
AML, your tenants don't WATCH the news. $50 says about a third of them ARE ON the news. Or at least "Cops."
oh myyyy first off good job for dealing with this crap on a dily basis and seeing the homour in it..its the only way I swear. Atleast you gave us a funny story and now the laughs on you quiet girl who bursts at the seams outta nowhere and AT somebody who has no control over the situation..I guess her ass-clown (hahahahah), litte-itus (HAHAHA) boyfriend is beginning to wear off ......
I could never do your job. I am not that patient. I want to know where she took the letter. Go ask her...LOL!
Awesome post!
First of all, I would have left a recording on the machine to the effect of "the water is turned off. its not coming back on for awhile. please don't leave a message. beeeep." and not answered the phone for the rest of the day.
Second of all, I want to know what the heck she was going to do with that letter?! (other than read it as a form of foreplay ;)
You just made my day!! My poo flingers here at work are nothing compared to what you have to deal with!! Good luck with that!! :-)
doc: To be fair, I don't watch the news myself, I just read it on-line. But, then, I don't think that applies here either.
lindzyp: Yep, I learned early on that it is more fun to laugh than cry.
wendy: Considering she falls into my "have as little interaction as possible" category, asking would be out of the question.
celeste: I think she took it home to rub on herself and... oh, I just threw up in my mouth a little.
jahowie: I would say that at least they're not starting fires, but they've done that a few times too.
And people wonder why we drink. You just had to bring up the fire thing didn't you? LOL!!
oh my god, that was hilarious. So, what you're basically telling me is that being a landlord is like teaching - where he tenants are the kids.
ps: how late does the rent have to be before you start chucking people out?
WTF are you talking about? I love to point the finger at other people!!! :-)
jahowie: Yes, yes I did.
m: Pretty much like a bunch of kids sometimes. With rent it depends on how much personal "credit" they've built up. It they have a good history of paying, I may be a little more leniant if they run late. If not, or if they are a general pain, I pull the rug as quickly as I can.
rr: I know, it can never be YOUR fault ;)
geek: I hope you didn't need to check to confirm this.
So I can't have water to make my crack? Could you truck in some water so I can disinfect my rig so I can boot some herion?
I agree, keep kids off drugs. That way the supply will be better for the adults!!!
You should have just left an outgoing message on your voice mail giving them an announcement of the water being off.
Come on, these people don't watch the news! They're too busy watching Jerry Springer and relating all too well! ;)
Now that you have Joe Pesci up there I'm too scared to be cheeky. I'm also transfixed by the inexplicable appearance of the beautiful woman. I would like to say however, that those Christmas Coca Cola adverts have given people unrealistic notions about what can and can't be trucked in.
I read your title and was a bit perplexed that you could be pregnant. But after reading this... perhaps giving birth would have been preferred.
She was quiet, polite, and kept to herself.
This describes most serial killers I believe.
Funny story
squid: I believe you are giving them a little too much credit to be able to create anything.
~deb: Yeah, and not just because he was once our mayor.
kieran: "What am I, some sort of clown put here to amuse you?"
Have no fear, cheeky away my friend. Pesci was inspired here more by his non-noteworthy role as the The Super than his role in Goodfellas.
Oh and, stupid polar bears.
naughty: I like to keep ya guessing. Also, I'd take idiocy over pregnancy any day.
:phil: I don't know what it is. Some tenants start out fine and then just seem to snap. Maybe it's something in the water. Oh God, I have to stop drinking the water.
Oooh, water slides. Me likes...
Yes, I think it's annoying when people get mad at you for things you aren't to blame for. But we all go throught that sometimes. It's just life. Or people are like that. Either way, it's annoying and sometimes ... sometimes doesn't matter.
Shit happens. You just gotta learn to live with it <:
your are the best storyteller.. and your sarcasm - top notch ;o)
spacecake: Shit happens all around me, I just do my best not to step in it.
elle j: Thanks, sometimes the sarcasm comes a little too naturally. I occasionally have to tone it down for the unsuspecting. Now the unaware, they get it full blast because, well, they don't even realize what hit them.
what if the kids WANT to do drugs? ;)
bailey's mom: Glad you enjoyed, and I think unique may be putting it lightly :) But yeah, I'm a Terintino fan myself. I've seen Pulp Fiction more times than I'd like to admit.
cmeddie: Then they'll be renting from me in a few years.
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