Monday, September 25, 2006

Apparently, I'm trendy

I've never considered myself a trendy person. I don't really try, nor am I interested in various fads that roll in and roll back out. Generally, I just have a pretty good idea of who I am and what I like, and take it from there.
I dance to the beat of my own drummer boy

Yeah, pretty much. Although, from time to time I come to realize that a particular trend coincides with what I'm already doing. I'd like to say in those instances that I am the inspirational trend setter, but somehow I doubt it. This was the case when I recently came across an ACB News story. The story was entitled "Macho Men with Small Dogs" (can anyone say slow news day?). Apparently "the pairing of macho men and toy sized breads is sweeping the nation." It says that men are realizing that they don't have to walk a big dog to look manly. Everyone from Hulk Hogan, to Steve Schrippa (The Sopranos), to P. Diddy, is down with small dogs. To see the video of this story click here.

Now, I am an animal lover in general. I have owned dogs my entire life. I've had big dogs, little dogs, and everything in between. It just so happens that the dog I have now is a Bichon Frise. It was less let me pick you out of the litter and more let me rescue you from a family who has no clue how to take care of you. They were a wealthy family we knew who bought her because they caved when the oldest daughter insisted. Even with the best of intentions, they quickly realized they didn't know what they were doing, and just kept her locked in their laundry room (the dog not the daughter). The poor pooch's only real reprieve was when I would come to visit. Finally, they gave up and asked my wife and I to take her; we gladly accepted.

Everything happens for a reason, because she is the coolest dog I have ever owned. My wife still says I look funny walking her, but I could care less. She is smart, loyal, loving and playful. Plus, she doesn't shed, which is always nice. Anyone who meets her falls in love after 5 minutes. Therefore, in her honor, I present a day in the life of Daisy...

Look, I don't know what this work thing is you always go on about, but some of us are still in bed.

OK, I'm up, time for my nap.

Alright, new spot, and nap number 2.

Dude, I'm happy you're home too, but easy on the hugs.

No, seriously, did someone say something about dinner?

I'm rested, I'm fed; enough pictures, time for ball.


Blogger Comm's said...

Man Card Foul!

Sac Up Landlord. Slow news day or not you have been brainwashed by the feminist media and they are laughing behind your back, cackling like the evil puppet masters that they are.

A little bit of me died this day knowing this about you.

8:21 AM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Deb said...

Awe! The softer side of you! How sweet is this post???? And the cute picture with the pup wondering about dinner! haha!

Very cute!

9:04 AM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Wendy said...

awwwww, doggie love. Bichon's are soooo cuuuute! and evidently, very spoiled. ;)

9:36 AM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

comm's: Sorry to burst any bubbles. As my boy Popeye would say, I am what I am.

~deb: Note that my tenants don't get to see the soft side, that is unless they live in the same house as me.

wendy: Spoiled indeed, but she is appreciative. It wouldn't be as fun if she were a bitch about it (pun intended).

12:36 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Stephanie said...

"Toy sized breads" are sweeping the nation? Sweet! Now I can finally go public with my wee loaf of rye!

PS - Women ARE evil puppet masters. That's what makes us so great, Comm's.

2:52 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Elle J said...

that was awesome!

5:38 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger SRR said...

Ahhh!! The best little pooch in the world baby doll, right??

8:04 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Dan-O said...

Hey, count your blessings. Pup-eroni there is a very cute one, I'll give ya that one. My Palmer is a different animal altogether. A hunting dog at heart who is deathly afraid of lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners, AND swift movements from the cat....not to mention his irritable bowel syndrome. He means well though in all of his dopiness.

10:59 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

doc: My dog may be small, but my baguette is nice and big, eh? Eh? Oh never mind. (stupid non-intuitive spell check)

elle j: Thank you, I agree ;)

geek: I wonder who runs the house, the cats or the terrier. One would think the cats due to the dog's size and being out numbered, but I've seen some small dogs with serious "little-man" syndrome who acted like they were boss.

rr: In fact, since she is your first dog, I fear she has set the bar a little high.

11:02 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

dan-o: That is the second time you have commented at the same time as me so that yours does not show up until I have posted mine. It's just wierd.

Good ol' Palmer. Dopey and well meaning, huh? Like father like son I guess ;)

11:12 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger M said...

Perhaps they should have kept the daughter in the laundry instead..

...Daisy is adorable! :)

5:45 AM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger Dan-O said...

Palmer's new nickname is Special Ed

7:23 AM, September 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's cool as long as you don't start putting her in dresses and carrying her everywhere you go.:-)

10:25 AM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

m: The deciding factor to give her away was that the daughter was going to get her ears pierced, so she no longer needed a puppy. Great parenting.

dan-o: Why do you keep disappearing?

jahowie: No chance there. I'm not big on the accessories. If RR had her way Daisy would have bows on her ears and painted toe nails.

11:17 AM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger LindzyPinzy said...

how sweet:)

1:18 AM, September 28, 2006  
Blogger cmeddie said...

lmao... manly landlord huggin his wittle baby waby daisy girl... ;)

8:13 PM, September 28, 2006  
Blogger Me Myself and I said...

what a cutie! I wish I could get a dog, but alas the DAMN LANDLORD won't allow it. ;)

2:37 AM, September 29, 2006  
Blogger The Absent Minded Landlord said...

lindzyp: I'm not only sweet, I'm delicious. Wait, what?

cmeddie: Don't be haitin' on the puppy lovin'.

celeste: Yeah, I won't allow dogs in my apartments either. People in the past have ruined it for people in the future.

And thank you, I am cute aren't I?

5:44 PM, September 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUde, you got a Bitchin' Frizzy...

6:24 PM, September 29, 2006  
Blogger LJ said...

Cute dog. :)

11:43 PM, December 06, 2006  

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